Art and Design
The children from Year 1 to Year 6 follow the Rise Academy Trust Art and Design curriculum. The curriculum covers a range of skills; colour, line portraits, landscape, architecture, light, still life and form, stencils and print making and style in art. The children study a range of artists throughout their time from Year 1 to Year 6.
The Art and Design curriculum links to the National curriculum for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Our pupils enjoy the benefit of using our rural setting to support their learning in Art and Design.
Our Art and Design curriculum develops skills in:
* Making: painting, drawing, printing, creating 2 & 3D art and craft.
* Generating ideas and taking inspiration from a range of artists and crafts people.
* Formal elements: colour, form, line, pattern, shape, texture and tone.
* Knowledge of artists' work and techniques.
* Evaluating: critiquing their own work and that of others.