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Maths is a vital part of the curriculum and one which will benefit our children throughout their lives. 

At Frisby, we use the White Rose scheme of learning. Maths is taught daily for at least 1 hour from Year 1 to Year 6. 

Our lessons involve lots of practical apparatus and pictorial representations as we teach the children to explain their understanding in full sentences using the correct mathematical vocabulary in order to deepen their understanding.

Year 1 to Year 6 also focus on arithmetic skills and, in Year 3 onwards, gaining mastery in the four operations. As children gain confidence, they will be able to use and apply these skills to solve problems and make great progress.

We also encourage our children to use Times Tables Rockstars online (either on a laptop, tablet or phone). This is a carefully sequenced programme of multiplication tables that will help our children to know their multiplication and division facts fluently. 

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars

In Reception, we follow the White Rose scheme and supplement it with daily NCETM Mastering Number lessons. Please see documents below for more information.