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Please find below details of how our Board of Governors is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Name Position Appointment Commitee Meetings Terms of Office
Mrs Lindsay Apps Chairperson Parent All 05/03/2019 - 04/03/2023
Mrs Natalie Teece

Vice Chairperson

Chair of Performance and Standards Comitee

Parent All 27/11/2018 - 26/11/2022
Mrs Louise Pearson   Staff All 09/09/2022 - 08/09/2026
Rev. David Harknett Chair of Finance Foundation All N/A
Mrs Janet Norburn Safeguarding Governor Foundation All 15/06/2020 - 14/06/2024
Mr Simon Bailey   Local Authority All 08/03/2021 - 07/03/2025
Mrs Zoe Harris Training and Development Governor Parent All 27/10/2021 - 26/10/2025
Mrs Katie Hefford Early Years/SEND/Pupil Premium Governor  Parent All 27/10/2021- 26/10/2025
Mrs Alison Wildt   Parent All 05/10/2021 - 04/10/2025
Mrs Charmaine Ainge   Headteacher All N/A
Mrs Denise Reed Clerk to the Board of Governors      
 What do the Governors do?

The Governors' key responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring the school runs effectively and provides the best possible education,
  • Challenging and supporting the school to do better,
  • Taking a strategic view, setting policies, plans and targets,
  • Monitoring and evaluating results,
  • Monitoring the finances, including the annual budget and ongoing spending, and,
  • Delegating enough power to the Headteacher to run the school effectively.

What the Governors don't do is organise, manage or control the school on a day-to-day basis - this is the responsibility of the Headteacher. Nor do we get involved in individual pupil issues unless there is a serious incident or an appeal. 

The full governing body meets every month to monitor the strategic direction of the school. Governors also visit classes and assemblies from time to time. We work with Mrs Ainge, and the staff, to keep in touch with the developments in teaching and learning across the curriculum and the school. 

The School Governors

Governors usually serve a four year term on the Governing Body. The role of Governors is now far reaching with wide ranging responsibilities. As Governors we welcome any comments or suggestions which will help us to maintain and improve the school. 

2022-23 Business and Pecuniary Interests

Members of the governing body have declared the following business and pecuniary interests for the 2021-22 academic year:-

Mrs Charmaine Ainge - employed as staff member at Frisby CE Primary School

Mrs Louise Pearson - employed as staff member at Frisby CE Primary School

Simon Bailey - has a close relative who is an employee of Frisby CE Primary School 

To contact our Chair of Governors - Mrs Lindsay Apps, please ring the school office on 01664 434429 or e mail